CyclingSavvy Instructors & Experts

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Bruce Lierman

I live in Bennington, Vermont, about 30 miles east of the Albany, NY capital district.
I enjoy teaching CyclingSavvy, because it develops the total mindset needed to navigate any cycling situation with relaxed confidence. For a transportation cyclist like me, CyclingSavvy literally gives you the world!

  • Bennington, VT
Carl Fenske

I am a member of Bicycle in Greensboro where I serve on the Board of Directors and advocate for educational programs, including CyclingSavvy and BIG Bike Camps! a summer bike camp for school-age children.

I am the co-founder of the Easy Riders! which is a weekly Tuesday evening ride.  These are educational, relaxed, and conversational-paced rides that are perfect for those who are just getting into bicycle riding or coming back to cycling after taking some time off.

  • Greensboro, NC
Mighk Wilson

Mighk co-founded Florida Bicycle Association and the American Bicycling Education Association, and is the co-developer of the CyclingSavvy traffic cycling curriculum. He has over 150,000 miles and over 50 years of practical cycling experience in all types of urban, suburban, rural and backcountry environments.

  • Orlando, FL
clint sandusky

I am a retired police cyclist, active CA-certified Bike Patrol Instructor, and CyclingSavvy Expert. Want to learn more about e-Bikes, let me and CyclingSavvy know!

  • Yucaipa, CA
john brooking

John has biked for work and other transportation for over 20 years, between 3-4 thousand miles per year. He lives in Westbrook, Maine, with his wife Mary, a visual artist, and teaches CyclingSavvy courses in the Portland area.

  • Westbrook, ME
Gary Cziko

Despite my many miles and decades in the saddle, CyclingSavvy was a revelation to me when I took the course in 2011 and it made cycling even more enjoyable.

  • Los Angeles, CA
Tim Cherry

I'm an ebike enthusiast and member of the Pedego Owners Group of Hampton Roads. There’s joy in learning to do the things that we enjoy the most– I want to empower cyclists to ride with confidence wherever they choose to go.

  • Norfolk, VA
Karen Karabell

What a thrill to discover CyclingSavvy! Without exception these are the best strategies for safe and easy bicycling. It truly is possible to use a bike to go everywhere. I look forward to the day when everyone knows about savvy cycling.

  • St. Louis, MO
Lee Sisselsky photo

I've been riding in traffic my entire life with no idea that there was a safer, better way until I took the CyclingSavvy training back in 2013. The positive impact that CyclingSavvy had on my safety, confidence, stress level and empowerment while riding cannot be overstated. I discovered that my behavior on the road had a direct and positive influence on how I was treated and respected by the motorists around me. I was so impressed with the training material and the impact it had on my life, I decided to become certified to teach this amazing curriculum.

  • Longwood, FL
Todd Lee Nelson

Navy helicopter pilot to transportation cyclist. Living the dream back in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.

  • St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
John Schubert

Bicycling journalist, bicycle tourist, failed bicycle racer, huge fan of ways to improve cyclist safety.

  • Coopersburg PA
Tricia Kovacs

Tricia is a life-long cyclist who shares her love of cycling with others. She volunteers with several Ohio bicycle advocacy organizations and works part time as a bicycle mechanic at a non-profit bicycle shop in Columbus.

  • Columbus, Ohio
Ian Seecof

I am a CyclingSavvy Instructor in the greater Indianapolis area, with the utmost respect and confidence in the CyclingSavvy strategies. Contact me to learn how easy it is to understand them and put them into practice.

  • Fairland, IN
David Jeffords

Proselytizing the joy and freedom that bicycling gives.
Retired Electrical and Computer Engineer with AT&T and Nationwide Insurance, who has enjoyed bicycling as competition, recreation and transportation for over forty years,
Supporting bicycling advocacy and education by sharing savvy strategies for bicyclists' safe use of roadways and trails.

  • Central Ohio
Jeff Viscount

When I'm not working to educate cyclists, I can be found volunteering at one of the many area charity rides, working with the local radio club to provide event communications and emergency management.

  • Charlotte, NC
Melissa Brown

I am a CyclingSavvy instructor with a passion for joyful movement and active living.

  • St. Louis, MO
John Allen

I teach so that other people can experience the freedom which I know as a cyclist. I can show you how to ride in safety and with confidence, through the Bicycling Street Smarts booklet or in a CyclingSavvy course.

  • Waltham, MA
Cheryl Sunman

CyclingSavvy instructor in Indiana. I would love to empower you to ride safely and confidently wherever you would like to go.

  • Fairland, IN
Damon Richards

I ran a small computer consulting company for 23 years before changing direction and entering the bicycle advocacy world. I have been married for nearly 40 years with three grown children and one brand new granddaughter.
Currently, I run Bike Indianapolis, our city's bicycle advocacy group.

  • Indianapolis, IN
susan sherman

Cycling Savvy makes so much sense. I am so glad I found it and I love to share with everyone I can what I have learned and how to ride following the techniques Savvy Cycling teaches. It's a wonderful tool for anyone who rides bikes.

  • Milford OH
Pamela Murray head-and-shoulders portrait

I am a CyclingSavvy instructor, mentor and bicycling ambassador in Charlotte, North Carolina. Come ride with me!

  • Charlotte, NC
Brian Watson

I love teaching people how to use their bikes as practical tools for everyday transportation. I love teaching people of all ages and abilities--from toddler to elder, from people who've never ridden a bike to competitive cyclists--how to use Cycling Savvy techniques to ride with more safety and more JOY.

  • Washington State
Michael Burns photo

Father of two boys (15 and 20), bike mechanic of over 30 years, vegan, left-handed, kind-hearted

  • West Chester, PA
Photo of Justin McMurtry with bicycle

Lifelong Houston cyclist… passionate about teaching others how to ride a bike successfully, anywhere they want to go.

  • Houston, TX
Keri Caffrey

I love to empower individual cyclists to ride with confidence wherever they want to go. I believe we can transform our traffic culture, through education and social marketing, into one which recognizes that roads are for all people, not just the ones driving cars.

  • Fallbrook, CA
Michael Brooks

Though I continue working to fund and fit safe spaces in mature communities for people of all ages and abilities to walk and bike, I believe the greatest contribution to mobility and a balanced transportation system is accessible on-going education. Education of bicycle drivers to shed the fear of coexisting with cars on our vast road network and replace it with an intuitive confidence and a heightened sense of awareness. Education of motorized drivers to be mindful of the unique obstacles and situations bicycles face to proactively prepare them for a blended traffic transportation system of disparate participants..

  • Silver Cliff, Wisconsin

Michigan CyclingSavvy instructor since 2012, and lifelong year-round bicycle commuter.

  • Midland, MI
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